
corn belt 1.美國中部主要產玉米地帶。2.corn belt 玉米...

corn binder

Analysis showed that corn yields of the corn belt phaeozem positively related to depth of cultivated horizon and content of available water , respectively , which their correlation coefficient was 0 . 788 and 0 . 813 . at the same time , each of organic carbon , cation exchange capacity and available n was significant positively related to com yields 而“波浪型”界面玉米產量與有機質、陽離子交換量、速效氮呈明顯相關關系。玉米產量隨有機質的增加而呈線性增加,玉米產量與陽離子交換量的相關關系可定量的描述為二項式的形式,相關顯著。

Ploughing deeper and corn residues might promote formation of soil aggregated structure , decrease soil bulk density , relax solum , decrease soil porosity , raise soil permeability , improve soil structure and holding - water capability , create better soil biology condition for growth of crop , and coordinate water , fertilizer , air and heat etc . to prevent the fertility deterioration of the corn belt phaeozem and ameliorate soil , it is need to reform tillage and fertilizer application for the corn belt phaeozem in the central part of jilin 針對吉林玉米帶黑土土壤退化現象,從黑土玉米的耕作制和施肥制的改革入手,并結合農村現有機械和技術水平,采用玉米“輕主重輔”三三耕作制和玉米“一穩二減三補”施肥技術,提出吉林玉米帶黑土土壤調控技術體系。

And whether it is a farmer arriving from italy to set up a small grocery store in a slum , or a young girl arriving from a small town in mississippi to escape the indignity of being observed by her neighbors , or a boy arriving from the corn belt with a manuscript and a pain in his heart , it makes no difference : each embraces new york with the fresh eyes of an adventurer , each generates heat and light to dwarf the consolidated edison company 無論是從意大利來到貧民窟開小雜貨店的個體農人,還是從密西西比州某個小鎮跑出來躲避鄰居的猥褻目光的年輕姑娘,還是從玉米地帶滿懷楚痛握著手稿趕來的小伙子,情況都沒有什么區別:每個人都以冒險家的新奇目光審視擁抱紐約,每個人散發出的光和熱,足以令愛迪生聯合電氣公司相形見絀。

The results show that the physical and chemical conditions of the corn belt phaeozem have significant different in different profile morphological characteristics . in another way , soil composition of three phases , content of available water , nutrient content and composition of humus have significant different in different profile morphological characteristics . among three groups of profile morphological characteristics , corn yields of phaeozem in “ flat type “ boundary soil ( depth = 30cm ) were the most , reached 8 . 22t / hm2on average . corn yields of phaeozem in “ wave type “ boundary soil ( depth = 15cm ) reached 7 . 55t / hm2 on average 這兩種界面構造對玉米產量影響差異顯著, “平面型”界面土壤抗逆性較強,產量最高,平均產量達8 . 23t / hm ~ 2 ,而“波浪型”界面土壤抗逆性較差,它可以分為兩種情況:當耕層厚度15cm時,產量處于中等水平,平均產量為7 . 55t / hm ~ 2 ;當耕層厚度15cm時,產量最低,平均產量為6 . 65t / hm ~ 2 ,此種土壤處于丘陵漫崗區,產量受水土流失影響較大。

Like many others in the corn belt , the nevada refinery is seen as a way for the whole rural community to thrive by exploiting america ' s new craving for ethanol and the corn ( maize ) that is being used to make it 就像玉米帶里其他的精煉廠一樣,內華達精煉廠被視為是大力發展整個農村地區的一個途徑,以充分利用美國興起的乙醇熱和制造原料玉米熱。

There was obvious dependence relationship between corn yields with changing of depth of cultivated horizon and available water content , corn yields of the corn belt phaeozem changed regularly 相關分析表明, “平面型”界面土壤玉米產量與各養分含量間無明顯相關關系,只有當速效磷、鉀含量在五級以下時,產量才受到明顯影響。

This research selected the corn belt of songnen plain as typical zone , to conduct the case study on response of crop productivity to climatic change 借鑒相關研究成果,首先確立基準時段,進而建立氣溫影響系數,來表征氣溫對玉米單產的影響程度,從而分析過去氣候變暖對松嫩平原玉米帶玉米單產增加減少的貢獻率。

It thus follows that the present improper systems of cultivation , fertilization and continuous corn cultivation are the main causes of fertility degradation of black soil in the corn belt of the songliao plain 因此認為,現行的不合理的耕作、施肥及玉米連作制度是導致松遼平原玉米帶黑土肥力退化主要原因。

The same logic applied in the eastern counties of north and south dakota , in south - west minnesota and in other parts of the corn belt where getting corn to market is costly 同樣的情形也存在于南北達科達州的東部地區、明尼蘇達州西南部地區以及其他處于玉米帶中的、將玉米運到市場費用高昂的地方。

For example , in colder soils of the american corn belt and drier areas of the argentine pampas , banding is the preferred method for phosphate fertilization 如在美國“玉米帶”的寒冷地區和阿根廷的干旱熱帶草原地區,條施是磷肥施用的優選方法。

Wheat is american ’ s most important food crop . it is second only to corn in production every year . the wheat belt is located near the corn belt in the midwest 小麥是美國最重要的食用作物,小麥帶也位于中西部地區。

It ' s a good marriage : the midwestern corn belt is also the heart of racing country 這是一個好的聯姻:中西部玉米種植帶同時也是賽車王國的中心。

Farmers have also received some welcome rains along the corn belt 沿著玉米地一帶已經下過一些所謂“農民喜歡的”雨了。

Farmers have also receives some welcome rains along the corn belt 玉米種植地帶的農民也得到了一些另人高興的降水。

Iowa is in the corn belt 愛荷華州地處玉米帶。

Yet , the middle west an area known as the corn belt has received enough rain 但是,中西部玉米帶獲得足夠的雨水。

Farmers have also received some welcome rains along the corn belt 在玉米地帶的農民也迎來了他們歡迎的大雨。

Farmers have also received some welcome rains along the corn belt 同時,玉米地帶的農民也盼來了久違的雨水。

Farmers have also received some welcome rains along the corn belt 玉米種植地沿岸的農民也很歡迎這場雨。